Techno Tidbit #17: If you are an Android user, chances are you have already linked your smart phone to a google account. (If not, please do create a google account and start syncing!). How to find your contacts within your gmail: Log in to your gmail. Under the Google logo, you will see the word "Gmail" with a drop down menu. Click the drop down menu and choose "Contacts". All your contacts should be there. … [Read more...]
Techno Tidbit #16: Use Google Search Operators
Techno Tidbit #16: To narrow down your search in Google, use symbols and words called search operators. To search for an exact word or phrase, you can use " " (quotes), ex. "samsung galaxy s5" To exclude a word, use the - (dash) before the word, ex. planets -saturn To search within a site, use site: , ex. earth To search for information about a certain url, use info: , ex. There are more operators that you can use, you can see the … [Read more...]
Techno Tidbit #15: Elevate Your Laptop
Techno Tidbit #15: Elevate your laptop to prevent it from overheating. You can either buy laptop stands or use household items like books. Make sure that the exhaust fan is not being blocked by item that you are using to elevate the laptop. … [Read more...]
Techno Tidbit #13: Use A Surge Protector
Techno Tidbit #13: Lightning storms, power fluctuations and frequent blackouts are sometimes the causes of computer malfunctions and damages. Invest in a good quality surge protector can help protect your computer from these situations. Better shell out a couple of bucks now than end up with a few hundred dollars worth of damaged equipment later. … [Read more...]
Techno Tidbit #12: Is the website really down or is it just you?
Techno Tidbit #12: I think everyone has gone through this at least once. You go online to try to surf the internet and visit your favorite website when all you get is the error "The webpage is not available". So is it just you? or the site itself really is down and unavailable? You can now check it through the following websites: Down for everyone or just me Is it down right now … [Read more...]